ok, sounds scary doesn't it. I mean all my life so far has been building up to this thing, like it is the biggest most important event of life, but the future seems so broad and distant but yet it could only be tomorrow. You think you know what you've got planned, for me it is school, sixth form, uni and then work in some sort of science job. But you allways get those annoying thoughts in your head don't you "what if I don't mamke it?" and you know what, that scares me so much. I have so many friends that take life as it comes and they don't worry about the future, or at least they pretend not to and I find myself being jealous of them!
But why should we worry? it's not like that if I don't go to uni then the world will end is it? The problem is fear. You see homeless people on the street or you see people drooling away in McDonalds scare you and you think "I don't want to be them". But why not, what made it socially unaceptable tohave a low wage job? who said it was wrong to work in a supermarket all your life. If your happy doing it then why not? Why do i feel this stupid worry about something that could change so easily?
The thing is, we all want to be remembered. Some for being amazing musicians, actors, writers; for just being famous. Some want to be remembered as good parewnts or role models but why? why do we want to be remembered? Is it that we in some way it's our chance to be immortal and cheat death (like the dad in Tim Burtons "Big Fish"). If I wasn't remembered, nothing would happen, the world would't end.
In some was, I thik it would hurt to much to not be remembered. After all, you give your life to the world, you work and do what people do and at then end of it you fade away. So we want to be remembered for purpose. If you had nothing to live for, no reason to do what you do then you would fade away. So in the end; your future and life itself comes down to being remembered and being remembered is the reason why we live.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Friday, 25 June 2010
Money Rhyming!!!!!
Ok, money makes the world go round, when in you pocket, makes a jingly sound, the poor stay poor and the ritch stay ritch and there are those that want a quick fix. I hate that in life we need to pay, to use the toilet or go out for the day. I have to save, which I can not do. My money dissapears so fast, I think it flew. I have to buy shoes for my prom in july, and pay for a holiday with a guy. As you can see money has made me stressed, and made me rhyme that some may detest. But what I am trying to say, in a round about way ... is that money, can you just go away!
Monday, 21 June 2010
Round The Island Race
ok, so you know there are those experoances in life that people say you should do before you die, for example going hot air ballooning or swimming with dolphins, well my mum told me i should do the round the island race.
Round the island is THE LARGEST SAILING RACE IN THE WORLD! this year 1754 yachts took part. Now 1754 is a huge amount and its really hard to get your ead round. The best was I can describe the sight of it is breathtaking! if your ever at the beach, look out to sea. Then imagine that infront of you are a uge amount of boats, white glimmereing boats. There are so many of them tht the horizon is blocked for miles and iles (50 to be exact). It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.
Round the Island isn't just a race, but a community. There is a mini sailing village set up in cowes and thousands of sailors form all over the world gather together for dancing, singing, nusic and drinking. Everyone is on a high, everyone is so welcoming and buzzing and no one wants to be anywhere else. I have ot admit that the french sailors are very much up for a laugh. There was a winching game to see who could winch up a sail fastest. I have to say that seeing lots of half druk exite people doing physical exercise is very amauzing, and even more so when you yourself have a go. Being os short i had tp baisically jump to winch the handle round.
So round the Island, I love you, you are amazing, breath taking, tiring, competitive, extremely fun and the best thing I have done with my life in a very long time! I only hope that I have the chance to take part in the whole experiance again!
Round the island is THE LARGEST SAILING RACE IN THE WORLD! this year 1754 yachts took part. Now 1754 is a huge amount and its really hard to get your ead round. The best was I can describe the sight of it is breathtaking! if your ever at the beach, look out to sea. Then imagine that infront of you are a uge amount of boats, white glimmereing boats. There are so many of them tht the horizon is blocked for miles and iles (50 to be exact). It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.
Round the Island isn't just a race, but a community. There is a mini sailing village set up in cowes and thousands of sailors form all over the world gather together for dancing, singing, nusic and drinking. Everyone is on a high, everyone is so welcoming and buzzing and no one wants to be anywhere else. I have ot admit that the french sailors are very much up for a laugh. There was a winching game to see who could winch up a sail fastest. I have to say that seeing lots of half druk exite people doing physical exercise is very amauzing, and even more so when you yourself have a go. Being os short i had tp baisically jump to winch the handle round.
So round the Island, I love you, you are amazing, breath taking, tiring, competitive, extremely fun and the best thing I have done with my life in a very long time! I only hope that I have the chance to take part in the whole experiance again!
Monday, 14 June 2010

In life you will allways get requests from people e.g "can you play jason miraz i'm yours?" and as my bezzles ben would reply: "I'm not a juke box". Why is it that as a human race we are so unwilling to do things for others. Think about it, if a parent asks you to do something, more often than not you have an excuse not to do it.
Now i'm not saying people aren't helpful becuse there's the scouts and the salvation army and shizzle, but really, half the time we just can't be asked. I mean how hard is it to help someone take in the washing from the line? How hard is it to just say yes?
So i'm putiing it to you that maybe next time someone asks you to do something, you stop, think and then give an answer because sometimes doing domething for someone can open many doors ...
And another thing, i bet that you would love help on loads of stuff in life ( I know I would) but I bet most of the time you are too scared to ask because you are afraid of the response! IT'S A VICIOUS CIRCLE!
So we have a problem here, people are too lazy to help others and therfore the people needing help don't ask. So it is up to you fellow bloggers (if you can be asked) to take up the challenge and actuerally help people. I'm taking up this challenge because I realised recenly how lazy I can be and how I need to help more at home.
dear god that sound philisofical. Maybe I should stop before I give you all a headache. Just have a little ponder about it and then enjoy your day.
Over and out :)
wow so i'm now a blogger
so i thought hey wht not try this whole blogging ting, maybe someone will want me to dribble on about life, the universe and everything (42). So here I am at my keyboard, waiting for something to happen ...
so to the next point of the bloggy thingy, what shall i blog about? The answer = I don't know. well i would do a blog with a purpose but i haven't decided one yet so instead i will just type in random things that happen to me and hope that it gets read.
so hello tinternet bloggy peeps and enjoy!
so to the next point of the bloggy thingy, what shall i blog about? The answer = I don't know. well i would do a blog with a purpose but i haven't decided one yet so instead i will just type in random things that happen to me and hope that it gets read.
so hello tinternet bloggy peeps and enjoy!
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